Discover and develop your strengths



«Change is happening all the time. Our task is to observe useful change, appreciate it, and thus amplify it»

(Mark McKergow/Julia Kalenberg)

You are very welcome to do it like most of my customers do: come to Zimmerwald for a «Solution Walk»! On a solution walk with a stunning view of the mountains, you can get an overview and find (again) access to your strengths and resources. You will notice signs of progress and see possible small steps.


Often, it's easier to talk while walking - even about difficult topics - and physical exercise also gets our minds going. On the way, depending on the situation and your issue, we take the time for targeted activities, and you can take notes in your "diary of solutions" if you want.

When are you coming for your first solution walk?

My offer for your goals

Mental training:

training to choose your mental focus deliberately, strengthening self-confidence, visualizing and achieving goals, achieving optimal performance even under pressure

Details of "mental training":

Leadership coaching:

Develop leadership skills, reflect on your concrete (leadership) situations, gain security, prepare for (next) leadership tasks

Details of "leadership coaching":


In a one-to-one setting identify your strengths and inclinations, clarify values and goals, find your way and strengthen self-confidence. Tackle challenges and change and take small steps

Details of "Self-evaluation":

Time with myself:

In a one-to-one setting pause, decelerate, concentrate on the essentials, find balance, recharge your batteries for a fulfilled instead of a fully filled life

Details of "Time with myself":

Sales Coaching:

In a one-to-one coaching  optimize sales strategy, strengthen communication, security in acquisition and closing, strengthen persuasive power

Details of "Sales Coaching":



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