With these words a client introduced me at the beginning of a workshop. This really touched my heart. In 1997 I founded my own company and since then I have been accompanying teams and individuals on their way to success.
By this I mean something very practical: I give you the framework in which you can talk about your preferred future (instead of what you don't want), about things that already work (instead of deficits), about signs of progress and small steps.
These small steps - consistently followed - practical tools and my extensive experience in various industries are things that my clients appreciate.
My customers also appreciate that my offer is often EVERYTHING BUT USUAL. Discovering new things, further developing existing methods and going down unusual paths keeps my motivation at the top level.
The solution-focused approach of Steve de Shazer is a central theme in my work. And I always try to lead myself in this way. This means constant strive and many small steps.
I am a passionate networker:
I am glad to be member of BPW Business & Professional women and Co-Vice President of the Commission for Equality of Canton Bern.
Education and professional career
1997 Foundation Kalenberg Training ▪ Consulting ▪ Coaching
3 years sales manager in an international direct selling company
4 years personnel development and training in an international direct selling company
Solution focused coaching education at Weiterbildungsforum Basel
Facilitating education Metaplan
Training education Team Connex
Degree in business administration, University of Nuremberg, Germany
Commercial apprenticeship in a publishing house
Julia Kalenberg –
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